GTB Section 08: Zumaglia - Cerreto Castello

Start: Zumaglia (620 m)
Finish: Cerreto Castello (250 m)
GtB legs: 28-30
Passing through: Ronco Biellese (465 m) Castello di Valdengo (340 m)
Length: 9.2 km
Ascents and descents: 60 m (climb) 430 m (descent)
Time required: 2’40”
Difficulty: T - (Easy)
Comments: The main features of this stretch of the circuit are the castles: first the one that dominates the Brich di Zumaglia, then Valdengo Castle, construction of which was begun in the twelfth century by the famous Avogadro family. A visit is recommended to the Terracotta Museum in Ronco Biellese where you can see “bielline“, clay earthenware that at one time formed the principal means of income in the area.
From the entrance to the Brich di Zumaglia Park, climb the cobbled road to Cascina Alé. From here take the small road that descends the other side and come out of the park into the hamlet of Masserano. A paved road descends towards Ronco Biellese, where you take the right turn towards Biella in the main square. Having arrived at the first crossroads, take Via Battisti, then Via Valgrande. This will take you into woods and meadows and then to a motocross track. Keep on to the second crossroads where you turn left and enter the woods. You will be taken to the gate of the Tenuta Cascinetto where you take the path that runs alongside the property. An old road continues to the bottom of the valley where an ascending cart-track ends at a paved road. Passing Valdengo Castle, descend towards the Torrent Quargnasca where you walk beside it on a cart-track before taking a path upwards to a paved road. You will come out close to Quaregna, from where you continue towards Cerreto Castello. The section ends when you reach the Biella-Cossato road.
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