GTB Section 12: Crevacuore - Coggiola

Start: Crevacuore (375 m)
Finish: Coggiola (500 m)
GtB legs: 42-45
Passing through: Ailoche (560 m) Alpe Noveis (1114 m)
Length: 14.4 km
Ascents and descents: 870 m (climb) 745 m (descent)
Time required: 8 hours
Difficulty: E - (Average)
Comments: After leaving the hills, the route climbs towards Biella’s “little Switzerland” (Alpe di Noveis), a tourist resort that was very popular between the two world wars. Noveis is an ideal point of departure for outings on Mount Barone, from where wonderful views are to be had over the alpine chain and the Po plain.
From Crevacuore an old path follows the course of the old road to Ailoche through thick woods along the ridge of Colle Ramelle. Pass through the village of Ailoche and climb up towards Piasca, following for a short while the track of the Valli della Fede. Turn left by the church, and take a forest road that crosses a stream, passes a few half-ruined huts, and leaves the wood at Alpe Sparavera . Ahead you will see Mount Barone which, at 2044 metres, is the highest mountain in eastern Biella province. Climb up to a paved open area where you keep to the right so as to take a steep flight of steps that leads into the wood. After a picnic area, climb to the top of the hill where you will find a chapel built by the Italian Alpine troops that gives excellent views over eastern Biella and the plain. Having crossed the Bocchetta di Noveis, walk along the side of the mountain passing by an emergency shelter (“balma”) created between two boulders. You reach the paved road that joins Noveis and Coggiola by the Church of the Piane di Rivò, then descend the mule-track to Viera, and take a path to Coggiola.
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